Successful Launch of "Cre8Ventures"
Mentor Graphics' independent European network supports start-up companies in the field of electronics design
WILSONVILLE, Oregon/USA, October 06, 2006 - Mentor Graphics announces the successful launch of the independent network „Cre8Ventures“, which aims at supporting high-tech start-up companies especially focussing on electronics design. On a first event in Great Britain and recently in Munich, Germany, numerous start-up companies used the forum initialized by Mentor Graphics to introduce themselves to an exclusive and interested auditory.

Especially within the electronics industry, going to market with an outstanding idea is no guarantee for success. To be successful, an extensive knowledge in additional disciplines like finance, marketing or legalities is vital.

The independent Cre8Ventures network – newly founded by Mentor Graphics – introduces start-up companies and market newcomers to the right individuals and organisations, which have the necessary expertise in finance, marketing, and development of business models or tools. Here, start-ups can link up with experts like business managers, investors, lawyers, industry analysts as well as with regional institutions for business development and promotion, universities, industry associations, consulting companies and employment agencies.

So there is comprehensive support provided for companies with outstanding ideas and products to ensure finally their business success. For this, Mentor Graphics brings in the resources of a globally acting market leader. Furthermore, all members of the network get early access to the latest design flows and technical support. With Mentor’s scaleable business models, start-up companies can set the course for their business success right from the start.

Recently, numerous start-up companies took part in a presentation event in Munich, wich was organized by Cre8Ventures in cooperation with the GABA (German American Business Association). Companies like 3D - Image Processing GmbH, Dresden Silicon, Dual Core, ERide, Jumatech GmbH, Tritem Microsystems GmbH as well as the company network “Munich Network” took the chance to show their technologies and products and to give proof of Germany’s high innovation potential.

“This was a very important event for Cre8Ventures. The attendees’ feedback confirmed the importance of this initiative for the formation of new companies in Germany. Furthermore it helped us to show the advantages of this European network, even to already existing high-tech-start-ups as well as venture capital companies”, said Markus Bochynek, Business Director Mentor Graphics. Jörg Sperling, member of the board of GABA California and co-founder of GABA Munich, agreed: “The cooperation with Cre8ventures has been a success for both sides and we are looking forward to hosting further conjoint events.”

The start-up companies also welcomed the event, which was the first of its kind in Germany, and rated it very positive.

Curt Winnen, managing director of Munich Network said: „We appreciate the activities of Cre8ventures and we are happy to be able to give the members of Munich Network access to another network of technology companies, say from the semiconductor industry.“

Franz Maidl, managing director of JUMATECH GmbH, said: „Taking part in the event organized by Cre8ventures and GABA has been an excellent opportunity to introduce our company.”

For further information, please go to:
About Mentor Graphics

Mentor Graphics Corporation (Nasdaq: MENT) is a world leader in electronic hardware and software design solutions, providing products, consulting services and award-winning support for the world’s most successful electronics and semiconductor companies.  Established in 1981, the company reported revenues over the last 12 months of over $700 million and employs approximately 4,000 people worldwide. Corporate headquarters are located at 8005 S.W. Boeckman Road, Wilsonville, Oregon 97070-7777. World Wide Web site:
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» Presse-Information
Datum: 06.10.2006 10:45
» Kontakt
Mentor Graphics (Germany) GmbH
Arnulfstr. 201
80634 Muenchen
Gabriele Tremmel
Fon.: +49(0)89-57096-0
Fax: +49(0)89-57096-400
» Kontakt Agentur
Trimburgstr. 2
81249 Muenchen
Rolf Bach / Peter Gramenz
Fon.:  +49 (0)89/ 89 73 61-0
Fax  +49 (0)89/ 89 73 61-29
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