IAR Systems launches starter kits for new high-performance ARM Cortex-M4 series from STMicroelectronics
IAR KickStart Kit and Experiment! kits are available for the STM32F429 series
Uppsala, Sweden — November 7, 2013 — Today, IAR Systems® releases new starter kits for the high-performance STM32F429 series from STMicroelectronics. Several kits are available, all providing hardware, example projects and evaluation versions of the leading embedded development toolchain IAR Embedded Workbench® for ARM®. The kits can be used to evaluate the tools and the included microcontroller, as well as to design, start develop, integrate and test applications.

STMicroelectronics’ STM32F429 series is based on a high-performance ARM Cortex™-M4 core and features a rich set of peripherals for connectivity, graphics and audio. The series is designed for medical, industrial and consumer applications where a high level of integration and peripherals are required.

IAR KickStart Kit™ for STM32F429 contains software and example projects, as well as a feature-rich evaluation board with plenty of connectivity possibilities. The board features an LCD touch screen, microphone and headphone connectors, Ethernet, USB OTG and USB Host connectors. Also included is SPI flash memory, an SD card slot and multiple power supply options. The included J-Link Lite debug probe provides JTAG and SWD debug interfaces. For enhanced debug capabilities, IAR Systems also offers a range of fully integrated in-circuit debugging probes sold separately. I-jet™ provides an exceptionally fast debugging platform and has the capability of measuring target power consumption with a high degree of accuracy. Detailed current and voltage measurements can be added by I-scope™. Advanced trace functionality is provided by JTAGjet™-Trace.

Also available for the new series are two IAR Experiment! kits: a magnetometer kit and a game controller kit. Both kits include example projects, evaluation versions of IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM and an STM32F429 evaluation board. The magnetometer kit can be used to identify magnetic fields with the included magnetometer module and to output information on a small LCD. The game controller kit features a game controller and a color LCD. The kits can optionally also include a J-Link Lite debug probe and is compatible with other JTAG probes such as I-jet. Pricing starts at 69 EUR/94 USD.

The kits are in stock and available in IAR Systems’ e-shop. Details are available at www.iar.com/eshop.  

Part numbers
  • IAR KickStart Kit: KSK-STM32F429II-JL
  • IAR Experiment! Magnetometer kit: EXP-STM32F429II-MM
  • IAR Experiment! Game controller kit: EXP-STM32F429II-GC
About IAR Systems

IAR Systems is the world’s leading supplier of software tools for developing embedded systems applications. The software enables over 19 000 large and small companies to develop premium products based on 8-, 16-, and 32-bit microcontrollers, mainly in the areas of industrial automation, medical devices, consumer electronics, telecommunication and automotive products. IAR Systems has an extensive network of partners and cooperates with the world’s leading semiconductor vendors. IAR Systems Group AB is listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm. For more information, please visit www.iar.com.

Please follow IAR Systems on Twitter www.twitter.com/iarsystems and Facebook www.facebook.com/iarsystems.

Editor's Note:
IAR Systems, IAR Embedded Workbench, C-SPY, visualSTATE, The Code to Success, IAR KickStart Kit, I-jet, I-scope, IAR, and the logotype of IAR Systems are trademarks or registered trademarks owned by IAR Systems AB. All other products are trademarks of their respective owners.
» Press Releases
» Press Release
Date: 07.11.2013 15:00
Number: PR 34/13 Kits STM
» Press Photos

 Download der hochauflösenden Version...
IAR KickStart Kit™ for STM32F429 contains software and example projects, as well as a feature-rich evaluation board.

 Download der hochauflösenden Version...
The IAR Experiment! Game controller kit features a game controller and a color LCD.
» Contacts
IAR Systems Contact:
Stefan Skarin, CEO, IAR Systems
Tel: +46 18 16 78 00    
E-mail: stefan.skarin@iar.com

» Contact Agency
Catherine Schneider, Mexperts AG
Tel.: +49 89 897361-27    
E-mail: catherine.schneider@mexperts.de
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