IAR Systems enhances 8051 tools with highly requested static code analysis
Version 9.30 of IAR Embedded Workbench for 8051 integrates the static analysis tool C-STAT for complete code quality control at an early stage in the development cycle
Uppsala, Sweden—November 30, 2015—IAR Systems® is proud to announce that the latest version of the complete C/C++ compiler and debugger toolchain IAR Embedded Workbench® for 8051 supports the add-on tool C-STAT®. This strong enhancement gives 8051 developers access to powerful static analysis completely integrated within the daily development workflow.

C-STAT features innovative static analysis that can detect defects, bugs, and security vulnerabilities as defined by CERT C/C++ and the Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE), as well as help keeping code compliant to coding standards like MISRA C:2004, MISRA C++:2008 and MISRA C:2012. By using static analysis, it is possible to identify errors such as memory leaks, access violations, arithmetic errors, and array and string overruns at an early stage. This makes it possible for developers to ensure code quality and minimize the impact of errors on the finished product and on the project timeline.

“Although 8051 is an architecture that has been on the market for decades, it is still widely used among our customers. One reason for that is the growing need for shortened time-to-market and simplified development within the Internet of Things,” says Thomas Sporrong, Global FAE Manager, IAR Systems. “With the static analysis tool C-STAT, 8051 developers get new possibilities for more efficient workflows as the tool enables them to take full control of their code at an early stage in the development cycle.”

The latest version of IAR Embedded Workbench for 8051 also includes new example projects and updated device support. In addition, a new converter tool that enables porting of projects from the Keil µVision environment to IAR Embedded Workbench is available.

IAR Embedded Workbench for 8051 is a complete development toolchain for microcontrollers based on the 8051 core. It incorporates user-friendly IDE tools, the highly optimizing IAR C/C++ Compiler™ and the comprehensive C-SPY® Debugger. The toolchain provides extensive support for a wide range of microcontrollers from vendors such as Atmel, Infineon, NXP, Silicon Labs and Texas Instruments. C-STAT is available as an add-on product. Read all details about the tools at www.iar.com/iar-embedded-workbench/8051/.


MISRA, The Motor Industry Software Reliability Association, is a collaboration between vehicle manufacturers, component suppliers and engineering consultancies which seeks to promote best practice in developing safety-related electronic systems in road vehicles and other embedded systems. MISRA C is a software development standard for the C programming language developed by MISRA. More information is available at www.misra.org.uk

About CERT C/C++

The CERT C/C++ Secure Coding Standards are standards published by the Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) providing rules and recommendations for secure coding in the C/C++ programming languages. More information is available at www.cert.org
About IAR Systems

IAR Systems provides developers of embedded systems with world-leading software tools for developing competitive products based on 8-, 16-, and 32-bit processors. Established in Sweden in 1983, the company has over 46,000 customers globally, mainly in the areas of industrial automation, medical devices, consumer electronics, telecommunication, and automotive products. IAR Systems has an extensive network of partners and cooperates with the world’s leading semiconductor vendors. IAR Systems Group AB is listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm. For more information, please visit www.iar.com.

Editor's Note: IAR Systems, IAR Embedded Workbench, IAR Connect, C-SPY, C-RUN, C-STAT, visualSTATE, IAR KickStart Kit, IAR Experiment!, I-jet, I-jet Trace, I-scope, IAR Academy, IAR, and the logotype of IAR Systems are trademarks or registered trademarks owned by IAR Systems AB. All other products names are trademarks of their respective owners.
» Press Releases
» Press Release
Date: 30.11.2015 13:00
Number: PR C-STAT-8051 e
» Contacts
IAR Systems Contact:

AnnaMaria Tahlén, Professional Communicator, Corporate Marketing, IAR Systems
Tel: +46 18 16 78 00

Stefan Skarin, CEO, IAR Systems
Tel: +46 18 16 78 00    

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Mexperts AG
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Tel.: +49 8143-59744-27
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